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About Arise

Our passion is to see individuals overcome while walking out their life journey!


We specialize in Personalized Natural Health Consulting and Christian Life Coaching & Care. We desire to reach people who need a breakthrough spiritually, emotionally, or physically by providing services and resources for living a life of wholeness and purpose. We believe that we are here to help bring understanding, bridge gaps, and remove obstacles.


Members enjoy being part of a loving, supportive community while receiving customized care suited to their individual needs.


Lisa Kiltz


Lisa surrendered her life to Jesus Christ in 1998 and has served in missions, church leadership, and a variety of ministries and organizations. Her background includes a Master of Arts in Christian Education, Bachelor of Science and Biology, Clinical Pastoral Education, Social Services, and Clinical Care. Lisa is also a Certified Natural Health Consultant, Professional Christian Life Coach, Peer Counselor and Chaplain. She has written her personal testimony of overcoming in the book Turn On Your Hope Light: Overcoming Chronic Illness through Faith. Her passion is to see individuals become whole and walking out their God-given destiny. 
Her life verse is Romans 8:28, And we know {with great confidence} that God {who deeply loves and cares for us} causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

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