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Writer's pictureLisa Kiltz

Lisa's Story

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

Lisa Didn’t Just Learn Biblical Insights to Help Her Overcome Lyme Disease at Be in Health®, God Also Blessed Her With Something Beyond Her Expectations.

When a person is diagnosed with a chronic illness, they are often told that they will need treatment and medications for life. For many people, this can be very discouraging and they may be left wondering if there isn’t a better way. We want to tell you that there is a better way! Did you know that God has placed insights into disease in His Word as well as keys to being completely healed and recovered? We want to build your faith that God can help you overcome Lyme Disease and any other type of chronic illness.

Lisa received a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease. She also had environmental illness, heart, and neurological issues. Her health was rapidly declining and she knew that her only true hope for complete recovery would have to come from God. He answered her prayers in an unexpected way, and brought healing to more areas of her life than she asked for.

Lisa’s Testimony

I was physically healthy and thriving in my Christian journey until I found myself chronically ill, declining almost to the point of death. There were two years of steady decline in my health with increased symptoms, in addition to numerous medical tests, before I was diagnosed with Lyme disease.

My health continued to decline with the sudden onset of liver failure and environmental sensitivities, as well as heart and neurological issues. I was close to death and I even wrote my obituary in 2012. Some treatments made things worse, and others helped for a time; but I knew that I couldn’t be sustained by them forever. The faithful prayers of others supported me continually. I knew that only God could deliver me and heal me, so I kept pressing into and seeking Him.

His answer came through a friend

Then a friend’s husband told me about how he was healed of Lyme disease at Be in Health, and he recommended that I go there. At that time, I could barely walk or even stand. Breathing was very difficult as well and I was very dizzy with a lot of cognitive issues. I went online to check out Be in Health and I discovered that the ministry was going to be in my area within the next two weeks to do a conference. I knew that was the Lord!

My experience at the For My Life Retreat

When I attended the For My Life® Retreat, a big focus for me was being restored to how God created and designed me. I learned how to overcome the ways of thinking that had been passed down from generations before me and what I had picked up through the influence of the world.  I began to understand more of God’s ways of wholeness and to understand His Word in a whole new way. It was like a veil began to lift off of me and I began to see clearly.

In addition, I kept hearing the testimonies of how the teachers and volunteers overcame and were healed. By the end of the second day, things began to physically change for me. For the first time in two years, I felt my immune system reboot slightly.

A powerful revelation for my heart

The difference that day was that I had the revelation that a broken heart dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22 KJV). As they describe at Be in Health, the marrow of your bones is the center of your immune system. When your heart is broken, only the perfect love of Father God can heal it. When I received the unconditional love of my Heavenly Father my healing began.

My overcoming journey

Over the next several years, I continued to grow in my relationship with God, myself, and others. I faced many more struggles and hardships, but I relied on the Holy Spirit who faithfully led me through each one. Now I am off all my prescription medications. When new trials come up, I go back to the principles that I learned at the For My Life Retreat. I know that there will always be more trials in life, but our loving Heavenly Father has made a way to deliver and recover us from all of them.

~Lisa K., TX

There is hope for you too!

If you are struggling with chronic illness, God has real solutions for your life too! Not only does He want to heal you but He wants to walk with you every step of the way through your recovery. Will you take your next step towards health and wholeness? Our team at Be in Health, is excited to come alongside you on this incredible journey as an overcomer.

Be Blessed,

The Be in Health Team

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